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[3 results]
Fashion models (December 24, 1956 issue of LIFE magazine, pages 166-167, in an article titled "Price Puzzle Proves a Point: 12 Styles Tell Why US Is Best Dressed") 1956© 1978 Mark Shaw - Image 3956_1279
3956_1279 Fashion models (December 24, 1956 issue of LIFE magazine, pages 166-167, in an article titled "Price Puzzle Proves a Point: 12 Styles Tell Why US Is Best Dressed") 1956 © 1978 Mark Shaw
Eddie Van Halencirca 1980s© 1980 Gary Lewis - Image 24300_0699
24300_0699 Eddie Van Halen circa 1980s © 1980 Gary Lewis
Blair Underwood 1989© 1989 Bobby Holland - Image 24331_0058
24331_0058 Blair Underwood 1989 © 1989 Bobby Holland