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[4 results]
Jacques François and Ginger Rogers in "The Barkleys of Broadway"1949 MGM**I.V. / J.J. - Image 0772_2304
0772_2304 Jacques François and Ginger Rogers in "The Barkleys of Broadway" 1949 MGM **I.V. / J.J.
"Fashion"London Post debutante Henrietta Tiarks models Nina Ricci man-tailored suit in Ricci
3956_0930 "Fashion" London Post debutante Henrietta Tiarks models Nina Ricci man-tailored suit in Ricci's salon with Ricci designer Jules Francois Crahay / Paris, France 1959 © 2005 Mark Shaw
"This Means War” PremiereFranois Arnaud2-8-2012 / Grauman
24174_0122 "This Means War” Premiere Franois Arnaud 2-8-2012 / Grauman's Chinese Theater / Twentieth Century Fox / Hollywood CA / Photo by Kevin Kozicki
"This Means War” PremiereFranois Arnaud2-8-2012 / Grauman
24174_0121 "This Means War” Premiere Franois Arnaud 2-8-2012 / Grauman's Chinese Theater / Twentieth Century Fox / Hollywood CA / Photo by Kevin Kozicki