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[4 results]
Rob Reiner and Penny Marshallcirca 1970s© 1978 Gary Lewis - Image 24300_0511
24300_0511 Rob Reiner and Penny Marshall circa 1970s © 1978 Gary Lewis
Frank Sinatra with daughter Nancy during a fundraiser in Palm Springs, CA. 1970 - Image 0337_0759
0337_0759 Frank Sinatra with daughter Nancy during a fundraiser in Palm Springs, CA. 1970
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with Simone Signoret, Harry Belafonte and Yves Montand in Paris to raise funds for his Southern Christian Leadership Conference1966 - Image 4606_0016
4606_0016 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with Simone Signoret, Harry Belafonte and Yves Montand in Paris to raise funds for his Southern Christian Leadership Conference 1966
"Kennedy Fundraiser"Angie Dickinson with Burt Bacharach at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California1969 © 1978 Gunther - Image 11696_0002
11696_0002 "Kennedy Fundraiser" Angie Dickinson with Burt Bacharach at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California 1969 © 1978 Gunther