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[3 results]
"Great Race, The"Jack Lemmon, Natalie Wood, Tony CurtisPhoto taken in 1964 / Warner Bros. © 1978 Bob Willoughby - Image 3467_0343
3467_0343 "Great Race, The" Jack Lemmon, Natalie Wood, Tony Curtis Photo taken in 1964 / Warner Bros. © 1978 Bob Willoughby
"West Side Story," Ria Moreno, Richard Breymer, &Natalie Wood.  1961.**I.V. - Image 5373_0042
5373_0042 "West Side Story," Ria Moreno, Richard Breymer, & Natalie Wood. 1961. **I.V.
"Leave Her to Heaven"Gene Tierney1945 20th Century Fox** I.V. - Image 1428_0013
1428_0013 "Leave Her to Heaven" Gene Tierney 1945 20th Century Fox ** I.V.