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[6 results]
"Claudia and David"Robert Young1946 20th Century-Fox - Image 0602_0049
0602_0049 "Claudia and David" Robert Young 1946 20th Century-Fox
Susan Haywardcirca 1970s© 1978 Gary Lewis - Image 24300_0301
24300_0301 Susan Hayward circa 1970s © 1978 Gary Lewis
"Sweet Smell of Success"Burt Lancaster1957 United Artists - Image 5562_0005
5562_0005 "Sweet Smell of Success" Burt Lancaster 1957 United Artists
Phillip Alford, Mary Badham, Robert Mulligan, Gregory Peck and Steve Condit on the set of "To Kill a Mockingbird"1962 Universal** B.D.M. - Image 5344_0026
5344_0026 Phillip Alford, Mary Badham, Robert Mulligan, Gregory Peck and Steve Condit on the set of "To Kill a Mockingbird" 1962 Universal ** B.D.M.
"2001: A Space Odyssey"Keir Dullea1968 MGMPhoto by John Jay - Image 5091_0145
5091_0145 "2001: A Space Odyssey" Keir Dullea 1968 MGM Photo by John Jay
"Hello Mother, Goodbye!"Kenneth Mars, Bette Davis1973© 1978 Richard R. Hewett - Image 24328_0095
24328_0095 "Hello Mother, Goodbye!" Kenneth Mars, Bette Davis 1973 © 1978 Richard R. Hewett