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[4 results]
Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison of "My Fair Lady" visit Jack Warner in his office1964 - Image 0033_0311
0033_0311 Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison of "My Fair Lady" visit Jack Warner in his office 1964
Ann B. Davis1958© 1978 Wallace Seawell - Image 7483_0005
7483_0005 Ann B. Davis 1958 © 1978 Wallace Seawell
Diane Keaton in "Harry and Walter Go to New York"1976 Columbia** B.D.M. - Image 6553_0018
6553_0018 Diane Keaton in "Harry and Walter Go to New York" 1976 Columbia ** B.D.M.
Cecil B. DeMilleAcademy Awards: 26th Annual, 1954.**I.V. - Image 17172_0024
17172_0024 Cecil B. DeMille Academy Awards: 26th Annual, 1954. **I.V.