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[6 results]
"Shadow of a Doubt"Joseph Cotten, Teresa Wright1943** I.V. - Image 24383_0344
24383_0344 "Shadow of a Doubt" Joseph Cotten, Teresa Wright 1943 ** I.V.
"Hondo"John Wayne, Rodolfo Acosta1953© 1978 Bud Fraker - Image 9960_0028
9960_0028 "Hondo" John Wayne, Rodolfo Acosta 1953 © 1978 Bud Fraker
3817_0384 "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (Poster) 1966 Warner Brothers
3817_0303 "Who's Afraid of Viginia Woolf?" Elizabeth Taylor, Jack Warner 1965 © 1978 Bob Willoughby
Roger Moore and Richard Kiel in "The Spy Who Loved Me"1977 United Artists** I.V.C. - Image 9457_0012
9457_0012 Roger Moore and Richard Kiel in "The Spy Who Loved Me" 1977 United Artists ** I.V.C.
19603_0001 "Rebecca's Wedding Day" Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle 1914 Keystone Films **I.V.