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[4 results]
James Stewart with his wife Gloria, in London
0802_2194 James Stewart with his wife Gloria, in London's Mayfair (Jimmy is in London for his stage debut of "Harvey") circa 1974 ** J.C.C.
Photographer Michael Mella in front of Big Ben in London1994© 1994 Michael Mella - Image 24382_0025
24382_0025 Photographer Michael Mella in front of Big Ben in London 1994 © 1994 Michael Mella
Raquel Welch in Rome1966 - Image 3084_0113
3084_0113 Raquel Welch in Rome 1966
Ali MacGrawon location in Europe duringfilm production1981/**H.L. - Image 6628_0131
6628_0131 Ali MacGraw on location in Europe during film production 1981/**H.L.