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[32 results]
"Pit and the Pendulem"Vincent Price, Roger Corman and crew1961 American International Pictures**I.V. - Image 21494_0006
21494_0006 "Pit and the Pendulem" Vincent Price, Roger Corman and crew 1961 American International Pictures **I.V.
Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra rehearsing for "The Dean Martin Show"1965 © 1978 Gerald Smith - Image 1943_0017
1943_0017 Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra rehearsing for "The Dean Martin Show" 1965 © 1978 Gerald Smith
"The Paradine Case"Dir. Alfred Hitchcock1947 United Artists**I.V. - Image 1559_0010
1559_0010 "The Paradine Case" Dir. Alfred Hitchcock 1947 United Artists **I.V.
"Merv Griffin Show, The" Dom Delouise, Angie Dickinson, Milton Berle, Merv Griffin, Dionne Warwick and her husband, Steve Lawrence c. 1969 © 1978 Chester Maydole - Image 14113_0004
14113_0004 "Merv Griffin Show, The" Dom Delouise, Angie Dickinson, Milton Berle, Merv Griffin, Dionne Warwick and her husband, Steve Lawrence c. 1969 © 1978 Chester Maydole
"Boom Town"Spencer Tracy, Hedy Lamarr, Claudette Colbert,Clark Gable1940 MGMMPTV - Image 12006_0001
12006_0001 "Boom Town" Spencer Tracy, Hedy Lamarr, Claudette Colbert, Clark Gable 1940 MGM MPTV
"Boom Town"Frank Morgan, Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert,Hedy Lamarr, Spencer Tracy on the set1940 MGMMPTV - Image 12006_0004
12006_0004 "Boom Town" Frank Morgan, Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert, Hedy Lamarr, Spencer Tracy on the set 1940 MGM MPTV
10060_0151 "Three's Company" Joyce DeWitt, John Ritter, Priscilla Branes © 1980 ABC