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[455 results]
"Philadelphia Story, The "John Howard, Katharine Hepburn, Director George Cukor, Jimmy Stewart.  (1940)MGM / **I.V. - Image 12011_0019
12011_0019 "Philadelphia Story, The " John Howard, Katharine Hepburn, Director George Cukor, Jimmy Stewart. (1940) MGM / **I.V.
"Philadelphia Story, The"Katharine Hepburn, Jimmy Stewart, Ruth Hussey, Dir. George Cukor.  Film Set(1940)MGM / **I.V. - Image 12011_0026
12011_0026 "Philadelphia Story, The" Katharine Hepburn, Jimmy Stewart, Ruth Hussey, Dir. George Cukor. Film Set (1940) MGM / **I.V.
"Philadelphia Story, The"Director George Cukor, Katharine Hepburn(1940)MGM / **I.V. - Image 12011_0023
12011_0023 "Philadelphia Story, The" Director George Cukor, Katharine Hepburn (1940) MGM / **I.V.
Black & White Ball ( at Dominick Dunne
11882_0024 Black & White Ball ( at Dominick Dunne's house) Vincente Minnelli and Billy Wilder, 1964 © 1978 Bob Willoughby / MPTV
10239_0016 "Logan's Run" Farrah Fawcett-Majors, Dir. Michael Anderson, and Michael York © 1978 Mel Traxel