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[205 results]
"Pageants: Miss U.S.A."Five pretty New Englanders smile for the camera after arriving in Florida for the Miss U.S.A. contest.  These girls are: Miss Massachusetts, Miss Vermont, Miss New Hampshire, Miss Maine and Miss Rhode Island1971 - Image 14919_0001
14919_0001 "Pageants: Miss U.S.A." Five pretty New Englanders smile for the camera after arriving in Florida for the Miss U.S.A. contest. These girls are: Miss Massachusetts, Miss Vermont, Miss New Hampshire, Miss Maine and Miss Rhode Island 1971
Janis Carter in "Night Editor" 1946 © 1978 Ned Scott Archive - Image 14671_0005
14671_0005 Janis Carter in "Night Editor" 1946 © 1978 Ned Scott Archive
"Killers, The"Ava Gardner1946 Universal**I.V. - Image 1430_0031
1430_0031 "Killers, The" Ava Gardner 1946 Universal **I.V.
"Killers, The"Ava Gardner1946 UniversalPhoto by Ray Jones**I.V. - Image 1430_0003
1430_0003 "Killers, The" Ava Gardner 1946 Universal Photo by Ray Jones **I.V.
Morgan Fairchild 1980**H.L. - Image 11029_0039
11029_0039 Morgan Fairchild 1980 **H.L.