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Al St. Hilaire

( 1908 )

Al St. Hilaire began his career in photography in 1930, working for Ruth Harriet Louise during the last months of her term at MGM, washing and drying her prints and delivering them to the publicity department. "When I joined MGM I got a job in the script department at twelve dollars a week," he said. "I wasn't especially interested in photography, but at seventeen dollars a week the money was better." When George Hurrell was brought in to take over her studio, St. Hilaire became his assistant. "It was watching George work that made me want to become a photographer," he explained. In 1938 St. Hilaire branched out to become a still photographer, working at Columbia in the forties. In the sixties he photographed productions like Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) and It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963).

See all photos by Al St. Hilaire