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[5 results]
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy1953** I.V. - Image 24383_2062
24383_2062 Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy 1953 ** I.V.
Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift rest between takes on location in Danville, Kentucky during the making of "Raintree County"1957© 1978 Bob Willoughby - Image 0712_5331
0712_5331 Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift rest between takes on location in Danville, Kentucky during the making of "Raintree County" 1957 © 1978 Bob Willoughby
Phil Silvers1964© 1978 Wallace Seawell - Image 0657_0035
0657_0035 Phil Silvers 1964 © 1978 Wallace Seawell
John Belushi in "Animal House" 1978** I.V. - Image 24383_0473
24383_0473 John Belushi in "Animal House" 1978 ** I.V.
Ramon Novarro "The New Orpheus"c. 1928Photo by George Hurrell - Image 0806_0493
0806_0493 Ramon Novarro "The New Orpheus" c. 1928 Photo by George Hurrell