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[4 results]
"Lover Come Back"Doris Day, Rock Hudson1961© 1978 Bob Willoughby - Image 0025_2492
0025_2492 "Lover Come Back" Doris Day, Rock Hudson 1961 © 1978 Bob Willoughby
Lou Costello, Shemp Howard and Bud Abbott in "In The Navy"1941 Universal** B.D.M. - Image 24293_0620
24293_0620 Lou Costello, Shemp Howard and Bud Abbott in "In The Navy" 1941 Universal ** B.D.M.
Tallulah BankheadFilm SetLifeboat (1944)0037017*I.V. - Image 17092_0001
17092_0001 Tallulah Bankhead Film Set Lifeboat (1944) 0037017 *I.V.
1282_0029 "McHale's Navy" (from left to right) Yoshio Yoda, John Wright, Gary Vinson, Ernest Borgnine, Joe Flynn, Carl Ballantine, Tim Conway, Billy Sands, Bob Hastings, Edson Stroll 1965 © 1978 Gene Trindl