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[6 results]
"Family Affair"Johnny Whitaker, Anissa Jones, Brian Keith, Kathy Garvercirca 1967Photo by Gabi Rona - Image 3423_0020
3423_0020 "Family Affair" Johnny Whitaker, Anissa Jones, Brian Keith, Kathy Garver circa 1967 Photo by Gabi Rona
Jane Russellcirca 1950** B.D.M. - Image 24293_1589
24293_1589 Jane Russell circa 1950 ** B.D.M.
Jane Russellcirca 1944** B.D.M. - Image 24293_1590
24293_1590 Jane Russell circa 1944 ** B.D.M.
John Wayne for an airline advertisementcirca 1950s© 1978 Paul Hesse - Image 0898_3434
0898_3434 John Wayne for an airline advertisement circa 1950s © 1978 Paul Hesse
Cybill Shepherd1978 **H.L. - Image 5946_0079
5946_0079 Cybill Shepherd 1978 **H.L.
Samantha Eggar in "The Collector"1965 Columbia Pictures - Image 11734_0009
11734_0009 Samantha Eggar in "The Collector" 1965 Columbia Pictures