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[2 results]
After working all day in "The Stooge" at Paramount, Jerry Lewis goes home to pursue his hobby of home-movies and proceeds to get all tangled up while trying to thread the film into his equipment1951** I.V. / M.T. - Image 0292_0604
0292_0604 After working all day in "The Stooge" at Paramount, Jerry Lewis goes home to pursue his hobby of home-movies and proceeds to get all tangled up while trying to thread the film into his equipment 1951 ** I.V. / M.T.
Marlon Brando at his Beverly Glen home in Los Angeles1953© 1978 Sid Avery - Image 0007_0003
0007_0003 Marlon Brando at his Beverly Glen home in Los Angeles 1953 © 1978 Sid Avery