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[79 results]
24293_0275 Grauman's Chinese Theatre in 1974 ** B.D.M.
8483_0004 Wallich's Music City on Sunset and Vine in Hollywood 1953 © 1978 Sid Avery
Two rifle-carrying Black Panthers, part of a group of six who marched up the steps of the state capitol building with loaded weapons, are confronted by state patrol Capt. R. J. Ranney / Olympia, WA / 1969 - Image 7950_0003
7950_0003 Two rifle-carrying Black Panthers, part of a group of six who marched up the steps of the state capitol building with loaded weapons, are confronted by state patrol Capt. R. J. Ranney / Olympia, WA / 1969
Otto Preminger, Don Murray, Charles Laughton, Walter Pidgeon"Advise And Consent"Columbia 1962 / **I.V. - Image 3208_0008
3208_0008 Otto Preminger, Don Murray, Charles Laughton, Walter Pidgeon "Advise And Consent" Columbia 1962 / **I.V.