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[80 results]
"The Nancy Walker Show"Nancy Walker1976** H.L. - Image 18061_0001
18061_0001 "The Nancy Walker Show" Nancy Walker 1976 ** H.L.
"The Public Enemy"James Cagney1931 Warner Bros.**I.V. - Image 1517_0002
1517_0002 "The Public Enemy" James Cagney 1931 Warner Bros. **I.V.
1282_0010 "McHale's Navy" Ernest Borgnine 1962 Universal © 1978 Gene Trindl
"55 Days at Peking"Charlton Heston1963 Allied Artists PicturesPhoto by Luengo**I.V. - Image 11703_0002
11703_0002 "55 Days at Peking" Charlton Heston 1963 Allied Artists Pictures Photo by Luengo **I.V.
"Today Show" Jane Pauley, Tom Brokaw C. 1976 - Image 1ANNam01
1ANNam01 "Today Show" Jane Pauley, Tom Brokaw C. 1976