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[30 results]
"The Joker Is Wild"Frank Sinatra with producer Samuel Briskin and Director Charles Vidor.  1957 Paramount. - Image 9191_0003
9191_0003 "The Joker Is Wild" Frank Sinatra with producer Samuel Briskin and Director Charles Vidor. 1957 Paramount.
"The Beverly Hillbillies"Donna Douglascirca 1966**I.V. - Image 3265_0124
3265_0124 "The Beverly Hillbillies" Donna Douglas circa 1966 **I.V.
Deborah Harry lead singer of Blondie 1982**I.V. - Image 20265_0029
20265_0029 Deborah Harry lead singer of Blondie 1982 **I.V.
"The Quest"Kurt Russell1978 - Image 11055_0004
11055_0004 "The Quest" Kurt Russell 1978
Don Kingcirca 1990© 1990 Bobby Holland - Image 10870_0009
10870_0009 Don King circa 1990 © 1990 Bobby Holland